my baking

Class 2A03  

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

a whole day of lectures have bore my class to death.. so some of them decided to take some shots while Miss G was not around. a few of the class mates were not there but well.. the photos are still nice~ hehe u

sorry, it's a little blur as these photos were taken with my phone's camera.

I actually have to brighten up the above photo quite alot with Photoshop so as to see May clearer.. hahaha opps..

hahaha! Maygalai was actually upset over the fact that she's too...erm.. dark.. haha!

crazy JJ was trying to imitate that M&M thingy!

haha she does look like that stupid looking thing. haha!

that's all about it. photos of a happy bunch of people :)

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