my baking

Zoo with the girls!  

Sunday, October 09, 2005

I think this will be the longest entry. haha. 100+ photos!!

woke up this morning and it was raining cats and dogs. was sooo worried that the rain will continue to pour. met derrick, xienlin, sis and boyfriend.. headed down to Crystal Jade for breakfast.. it was STILL raining. by then it was 9.32am and we were supposed to meet yuen men at the Zoo at 10am. haha obviously we can't reach there on time! poor yuen men.. she gotta wait for us there alone -- back at Crystal Jade, ate a fulfilling meal and hopped into Xien Lin's sister's boyfriend's car.. hahahaha.. the car trip was only 10 to 15 minutes. thank God it stopped raining when we reached ~

trip to the zoo. most of the animals there are not up to wad I expected. they're either too small (even the elephant there, which is supposed to be the largest mammal in the world, is small).. dirty... lazy.. sleeping.. dying.. arhh.. just simply, not very impressive.

but still, enjoy the photos!

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