my baking

Happy Halloween!  

Monday, October 31, 2005

:) went for grocery shopping just now and saw these cute lil things! haha! I can imagine Maygalai having one since she's always liking this kinda stuff..

these are actually small pumpkins with those furry thingy and draw-on weird faces on it. haha kinda weird don't u think.. ppl in America and all crave out their pumpkins.. Singapore? we draw on it..

how nice.. sigh.. don't think we can ever experience that kinda atmosphere and excitement for Halloween in Singapore.. look at our Chinese New Year celebration for example! it's already one of those major festival that children & young parents are yearning to avoid.. we merely look forward to these kinda major festivals for the public holidays - a day off from work and school.. the true meaning of these festivals is fading - or rather - gone. but still... I wish all the Malays and Indians a very Happy Hari Raya & Deepavali!

oh! and talking abt Hari Raya and Deepavali... was outside that day and saw a banner wishing "Happy DeepaRaya!" ..... gosh... even this kinda greeting they also want to save the ink and money to print it out.. crap... joining the two together is really a big turn off man.. when I saw it, juz couldn't helped but roll my eyes.. haha

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