my baking

haha crab crap!  

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

happy! went home early today and Derrick had a "surprise" for me when I got home. hehe.. he actually cooked up a meal for me as he knows that my daily meals are unhealthy. arh simply terrible. how nice of him :) I do admit I'm very fortunate to have a boyfriend like him~ I mean.. look at it! how many other guys will actually cook a proper meal for the girlfriend, or even the family? :) hehe.. he's sweet. the food was good! ok. just slightly above average. but not very delicious. arh never mind.. the food was just fine. the over-night rice was a little too hard.. haha BUT overall, it's still edible! take a look at it~!

curry chicken - - fried egg with sausage - - stir-fry cai xin with onion.

after that fabulous lunch, we went down to Junction 8 for a little walk.. and.. I saw CRABS! was telling Maygalai about it a while ago on msn.. and..

Betty : i saw a hermit crab in j8 juz now! i love it! its soooooooooo cute!
Maygalai : i haven eat crab in a long time lah
Maygalai : i want to eat chilli crab

Betty : NO!!!!!! not edible crab!
Betty : it's hermit crab! as a pet!
Maygalai : i thought u want to eat

Betty : nooooo!!!!!!!!!! it's a crab as a pet!
Maygalai : hehe
Maygalai : so cute
Maygalai : i didnt noe ppl do that

-_- it's not those normal crabs that u see in market and cooked into chilli crabs~! it's hermit crabs to keep as pets! the name of it is 'Haha Crab'. the shells are all decorated with either paints or sequins.. it's BEAUTIFUL!!! I love it! but.. that small useless thing cost $25 !! and it's so damn small --- the size of 20cents to 50cents coins! the whole set of "home" for the hermit crab cost $60! that's CRAP!

see those colourful things on the sand? Those are the hermit crabs! Initially when we go there to take a look, there's NOBODY there at all and the promoter was yawning away. awhile later, people started crowding around the booth. -_- that man was so irritating~! he's blocking my view! arggg! but if u try zooming in, u can actually see the hermit crab's legs!

blur.. but can u see the greyish thing there? hehe!

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