my baking

Birdy Birdy~  

Thursday, October 06, 2005

gave my pet bird a little bath.. decided to take some shots :)

it's testing the water

I love this pic! cute huh??

DONE~! a clean bird again! Doesn't it looks charming?? Actually, I don't always give it a bath. simply too lazy. haha so it's lucky I had the mood yesterday!

Guess wad the bird is doing....
It's actually biting the wall.. I dunno why, but my bird loves to eat the wall. Really! I really mean EAT the wall!

After 30 minutes...haha.. yea.. still biting.. look at the wall! the pointy edge is uneven cuz it bites too much! the base there also becomes uneven -_-

Do u know that this pose is actually what the birds will do whenever they are mating? The female bird will locate itself on top of the male bird and they'll do it there! haha so indirectly, my hand was "mating" with it.. whenever my hand goes near its tail, it'll automatically spread its wings and I'll know wad to do.. hahaha oh pls don't think dirty!

That's all~!

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