Fruit from a tree?
Saturday, June 02, 2007
here goes..
my sis was sitting under a tree outside Bishan's old NTUC.. something flopped down and landed on the ground. initially, she thought it was a fruit from the tree.. then that fruit started chirping and hopping around, thus caught her attention. haha.. and she brought THIS THING HOME in a plastic bag!!!! arh! a baby bird.. with thousands of FLEAS on it! trust me, you can't imagine the amount of fleas on it.. terrible ~ and this is the annoying kind of bird breed that piu piuu piuuuu EVERY MORNING without fail in my neighbourhood. if you know which bird I'm refering to. oh man. how I loathe that bird when I can only wake up late on weekends. and she brought one baby home. goodness. puppa was of cuz, mad and naggy over this thing. and, it can never replace my piggies. haha.. Thus, we gave it to my grand mama to take care of it.. we can't possibly bring it back to wild.. cuz the baby bird still has got no feathers to fly.. most likely cats like Brian's will eat the baby bird looks raw...
yuck... look at the red meat..
still very baby-ish she made me buy a tin of baby cereal, which we used to feed my previous Lovebird, for this thing.
owells... it looks rather cute here with the furry bottom
我是被你 囚 禁的鸟... hahaha!
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