my baking

HSBC Tree top walk  

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

the shortest way to get to HSBC Treetop walk.

the smiling monkey!

i think it is quite scary to walk on the bridge!! some china men were walking to and fro, walking back track (which they are not supposed to do!! it's only a one-way traffic!!), causing the bridge to sway like mad!

walking above the canopy!

it was freaking hot that day, like everyday. Luckily I brought my umbrella. But I cursed it later when the THUNDER STORM came.
because the STOOPID umbrella has many holes!! defeats the purpose of an umbrella!!

a tower for resting, also a military check-point (according to Derrick). just when we reached there a thunder storm came. then the siren that warned us of the severity of the storm came on too. thanks man, when we're in the middle of nowhere.
quite a good experience in the forest + thunder storm. the muddy water was so deep that i gave up tip-toeing because EVEN tip-toeing, the water level already reached my ankle. and with that stooopid umbrella that leaks. it was definitely a good experience. knowing first-hand what derrick means by "out field" now. I wouldn't want to try it anymore!!

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