Girls at the zoo
Saturday, April 04, 2009
seeing the ride operator doing the Carousel makes me miss my job back at GE. the foot lock or wadever, the ride's key, spiel, count down, 'All Clear', E-break, gates... even during the times at Taz Twister and Bugs Bunny Ranger Pilots and Speedy Gonzales. haha those were still good memories at sucky rides!
Being able to know and understand what's for what and why ride operator it is doing what.. the feeling was rather good =) at least I understand how it works now!there's this new ferry thing at the zoo. $5 for adule and $2.50 for children. it gives us direct lift to the children's world after the white tiger exhibition. very convenient for us whenever we wanna go to the children's world only!! (of cuz, we have free tickets!)
at the children's world!
seriously. whoever who thinks my bitbit is very big, you must look at the rabbits in the zoo!! they are like grown cats!! H U G E! especially these two below! my boy is just one-third of its length!
Renoir is good yet again =) happy~!
Wednesday, 08 April, 2009
Good news!! i am going to be daddy soon.. :P