my baking

Arrested Adulthood  

Thursday, January 08, 2009

I don't want a job that confines me to four walls for eight hours.

I don't want a job that forces me to sit there for eight hours staring at the computer.

I want to talk to people, go out into the real world to participate physically in real discussion.
NOT discussions over emails, msn, phone calls and faxes. No.

I don't want a job that only allows me to see the blue sky when I rush to work in the morning, lunch time at 12pm and going off work.

Even when it's raining, I don't even know! because I would be confined in the cubicle! But there are windows! yeah they are usually tinted for only-God-knows-why reasons.

I can't enjoy those small talks during office hours, gossiping about the best food near by, blah blah. Gossips and chats that are brainless and aimless.

Sitting on the arm chair for eight hours, staying in the air condition for eight hours, talking to faceless people, dressed up nicely as office lady.. so? only for the four walls and your fellow blue face colleagues' appreciation.

and the satisfaction that I get from the job? yeah! I've clinched a deal over the email and faxes. and... how does my client look like? oh! square face with Arial font size 12. wow! definitely satisfied!


even if it is an office job, please let me see the sun and let the rays be upon my skin for a little vitamin D. let the people I communicate with have faces, voices and not Arial font size 12.

I'm afraid that's life for a regular Singaporean. What am I going to do after graduation?!?!
FOUR more months to go... what should I do?!

Suddenly, Prof Ho's lecture on arrested adulthood is so relevant to me. I am trapped in an arrested adulthood. I don't wanna grow up. I want to be known as a youth and not 'working adult'. I want my oscillation between youth and adulthood be prolonged.

Time is forcing me to grow up... and of cuz that Big Brother up there too.

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1 comments: to “ Arrested Adulthood

  • Anonymous
    Wednesday, 14 January, 2009  

    yahh!! so terrible. what ur options after gradating? i think i must go and find a shift job so that i won't hv to wake up everyday at the same time! hahah.