my baking

New York City  

Monday, August 18, 2008

New York Cheesecake! how can we miss that when we're in NYC?!
the national museum of natural history! where 'the night at the museum' features!

911 site.

look at the tree branch above and read this below. . . 911 tragedy
on the Brooklyn Bridge
The United States court house.

another Trinity Church at Wall Street

Times Square in NYC
personally, i didnt quite like NYC. it's too city and conjested. everyone seems so unfriendly and busy with life that they couldnt care less about the surrounding. much like Singapore though. but the pollution there is so bad that my nails turned black by the end of the day. I couldn't wait to go back Lake George when we finally reached our last day there. it was that bad to me! NYC would be a place for touring, not a place to live in. at least, to me.

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