my baking

Cairns, Australia Part 2  

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

hahahaha! I never fail to laugh whenever I see this photo of sis sleeping on the plane! damn funny don't you think? like a lump of... seaweed lying there.. hahaha!this is mainly on food now.. and others that I have left out.. all in random. notice the number of ice cream we had!! and it was winter there! the ice cream taste much nicer in Australia, I don't know why, could it be the cows? fresher milk?? haha! maybe!damn funny advertisement board! its tail taste like chicken.. much more tougher tho..
baskin robbins! I bet it is better than Malaysia's one. the cow's milk is better here!
beef platter with cheese. derrick would love this
peanut butter & chocolate ice cream!! and... few berries flavoured ice cream..
passion fruit ice cream! sis had Lemon & Banana ice cream. unique flavour but taste real good!
toffee and chocolate ice cream! & .. I can't remember the bottom one..
Honeycomb ice cream! & macadamia ice cream! same colour, cant see the diff.. but macadamia is damn nice!
sis had hazel nut ice cream after Baskin Robbins! notice the same clothes! arhh!! ice cream madness! even my dad couldn't stand us! haha!
chocolate fudge ice cream! walnut & vanilla ice cream! a bakery shop that our food trail tour guide brought us to, as we complained it's too boring going to MUSEUM. eeeekkk...
the fresh cream cakes are so delicious there. i think it's their cow's milk again. must be.
steak steak steak. sis had so many of this there.. eeekk.. too meaty for my taste
their version of mixed vegetable rice. pick the size of ur plate and stack as much food as u want/can. doesn't look appetizing at all.. and the weird thing is all the meat taste sweet.
all american breakfast. for 5 mornings. oh my god. sick of this.
my Affogato. one shot coffee with cold vanilla ice cream. nice~
coffee cherry. I didn't know it's sweet!
love this photo! mushroom in the wild. reminds me of Smurf

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