Siloso Beach Resort stay
Saturday, July 14, 2007
another long lost post. been tired and lazy after work, hence I keep forgetting to upload these photos..
sis booked 2 hotel rooms at Sentosa Siloso Beach Resort on 30th June, the weekend that Derrick & I just came back from Bintan, to have some family time together. the new hotel is pretty good.. it has the foresty sense of feel.. especially the swimming pool area and the Lobby. not bad. considering everything is artificial. the swimming "pool" is really great! as you can see from the photos, it is built like a long lake/lagoon.. curvy style, with a man-made waterfall in front.. so far, I think this is the best hotel swimming pool of all! I like the nature feel that it gives me, being a nature-loving person =) and anything like Singapore, this hotel is clean.. probably bcuz it is still new.. but trust me. even the bath tub, which is always yellowish and suspicious looking in any other hotels, is shiny white and clean.
Wendy's afraid of getting dirtied. hahaha thus clinging onto Derrick.

rather difficult to see from here but if zoom in, it's quite clear :D

the room service was great! food was good too!
next day. breakfast! the buffet was horrendous!! the word 'buffet' shouldn't even be used! it's more like FOOD RATION. it was that bad. we woke up pretty early and headed down to breakfast through our roof top door (as it connects us to the dining area).. didn't expect the queue to be soooo long! and the waiter told us to come back again as they cannot accommodate so many people! what the hell!! but we inspect the food before going back.. it was boiled hot dogs. boiled chicken sausages. boiled ham. instant food like cereals, milk and yoghurt. partially cooked eggs, which are way off from half-cook sunny side up, and hard like rock breads. the choices of food are just what I've listed. that few. sigh sigh.. a great great disappointment.. I guess they boil everything possible to boil to save time. and looking at the queue then, it really looked like food rationing. haha! thank goodness we stayed in Roof-top room, meaning we open the back door, and there~! the restaurant! hence, we collected the food ration and bring it back to our room and have it there. haha.. lucky we have the jaccuzi!

Home we go! Monday another working day.. sigh..
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