my baking

to laugh or to cry?  

Sunday, April 27, 2008

was giving math tuition one day. and i remember hearing somewhere in order to let the kids have interest in learning, we have to choose things or questions that perk him up. so since this kid i'm teaching loooovvvees, adorrreess and fanntaaasizzeee about Pokémon, I came out with a multiplication question with Pikachu. and he was finally interested in it and zealously did the question.... but the end product was.. i don't know to laugh or to cry..

he silently did the question.. and i always suspect something when kids get too quiet.. for rachel too.. so i checked on him...

he really drew out all the Pikachus!!!!! seven like the question!! i guess he understands multiplication then

in the end, we had a great laugh. and he finally understood multiplication! serious! im not lying!
he's a cute boy. i'll miss him in usa. haha

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