my baking

Fondue party!  

Monday, January 07, 2008

as promised, we planned for a fondue party after a long day at work!! (well.. thats for yuen man & I only) was so looking forward to this day that I couldn't wait for the digits to jump to 6:00pm and I rushed out of office to get the ingredients! happy! was a frantic rush to market for fruits and instant chicken chunks for the mini-party.. yuen men bought a generous spread of food too! not forgeting the expensive sashimi that was on sale!! omg! Lin prepared cupcakes for dipping.. fabulous! the Fondue set was more than perfect! Swensen's chocolate fondue is $39.95. I think ours was $399.99 haha inclusive of love, warmth and friendship! =) thanks to Men, she meticulously cut up all the fruits.. I couldn't be bothered! haha! but I was busy frying the chicken! thus the heck-careness for the fruits deco. haha~!
I dare say. this spread is better than Swensen's!! we had strawberries (duh!) Starfruits, Pineapple, Blue berries, cupcakes, fried chicken, salmon sashimi and Umeshu Choya! plus the forgotten bananas.

notice my strawberry dropped into the chocolate!! haha. this was the first take. the second take-- my strawberry flew away from the table and flopped onto the floor. i've no idea why!
finally the third take! my strawberry did drop into the chocolate, but it was rescued in time!

courtesy to all who made the night wonderful! and food was good of cuz! I think it was healthy too.. full of dietary fibre! nutrients from fish and chicken. not bad huh. who says Chocolate Fondue is bad for health? :p

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